ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

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265 results

Eurydice Maucuer, 3rd year engineering student

… To help you see more clearly the training offer proposed by ENSAE Paris, students share their experience.  1. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO ENROLL AT ENSAE PARIS? In high school, I had already researched ENSAE Paris for its actuarial training. For this reason, I …
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Rose Salaün, 2nd year engineering student

… y voir plus clair dans l’offre de formation proposée par l’ENSAE Paris, les élèves partagent leur expérience.  Pourquoi, à l'époque, avoir choisi d’intégrer l’ENSAE Paris ? J'ai choisi d'intégrer l'ENSAE parce que … les possibilités de personnalisation du parcours (cours en 2A/3A, doubles-diplômes, choix des projets,...)  la vie …
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From a BL Prep class to ENSAE Paris: the journey of engineering student Manon Maugard

… widget","children":[{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un paragraphe","iconClass":"fa … did you choose to join ENSAE … enjoyed mathematics and social sciences, and I knew that ENSAE Paris offered many opportunities in these fields. The …
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Mathias Vigouroux, 3rd year engineering student in a double degree ENSAE-ENS Ulm

… y voir plus clair dans l’offre de formation proposée par l’ENSAE Paris, les élèves partagent leur expérience.  Pourquoi, à l'époque, avoir choisi d’intégrer l’ENSAE Paris ? Je suis le premier étudiant de l'ENSAE Paris à … où j'ai étudié les neurosciences. Je suis maintenant en train d'étudier les sciences cognitives et l'IA à l'ENS. …
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History and identity

… probability theory dates back to the 1930s. The history of ENSAE is inseparable from this development of statistics as a … demand from businesses.   \r\n\r\n The broad lines of ENSAE's educational project were laid out from the outset by … was Edmond Malinvaud, who succeeded him in 1962, who gave ENSAE its impetus. Thanks to his action, the school acquired …
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Richard Ahouansou, 2nd year engineering student

… y voir plus clair dans l’offre de formation proposée par l’ENSAE Paris, les élèves partagent leur expérience.  Pourquoi, à l'époque, avoir choisi d’intégrer l’ENSAE Paris ? J'ai choisi d'intégrer l’ENSAE Paris car elle … ainsi membre de la communauté internationale des actuaires en tant qu’Actuaire « Fully Qualified ». Aujourd'hui avec le …
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Rania Mani, 1st year engineering student

… To help you see more clearly the training offer proposed by ENSAE Paris, students share their experience.  1. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO ENTER ENSAE PARIS? In the preparatory program, I chose to study in … that it's rather math that I want to do more. So I chose ENSAE Paris because I wanted to deepen my knowledge in …
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Studying for a Double Degree at ENSAE Paris and UFRJ: Antonio Sasaki's Experience

… a solid master's degree. It seemed natural to choose ENSAE Paris, given that it is one of the most prestigious … null,"children":[]},{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un … academic reputation of ENSAE Paris: a springboard to …
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Boris Noumedem, Data Scientist at BNP Paribas Cardif

… 1. CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR CAREER BEFORE ENSAE PARIS AND DESCRIBE YOUR CURRENT SITUATION? WHAT DOES YOUR POSITION CONSIST OF?  I joined ENSAE in my second year in 2019 through a double degree agreement between ENSAE and ISSEA (school of statistics in Cameroon). During …
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Thibault Tatou Dekou: As a data enthusiast, ENSAE Paris was a natural choice

… widget","children":[{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un paragraphe","iconClass":"fa … did you get into ENSAE … I entered ENSAE Paris through an international admissions . With a …
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Admission to the Ingénieur ENSAE program

… students admitted to the engineering program at ENSAE Paris may enter the program in the first year … admissions sur titres est disponible sur la page dédiée. En 2022, ont intégré l’ENSAE : 15 élèves polytechniciens (hors administrateurs …
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Oscar Zaidan: Combining Studies and Ecological Engagement at ENSAE Paris

… widget","children":[{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un paragraphe","iconClass":"fa … did you decide to join ENSAE … I chose ENSAE Paris because I wanted to explore fields beyond the …
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