Free auditors

Admission and registration
Note: due to the health crisis, the capacity of the school may be reduced. It is also essential to complete the administrative formalities in time to be able to organize the reception in the courses with the necessary distance. Please do not contact the professors directly, as room capacity issues are managed by the Direction des Etudes.
If you are a student in M2 of a partner research master and registered at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (DS, MdA-SML, MVA, SQD, or PhD Track masters in these fields, or optimization), you must inform the pedagogical secretariat managing your master, which will transmit the list of concerned students to ENSAE. ENSAE will then make your "pedagogical"-"secondary" registration at ENSAE within a few days, free of charge, for the requested courses. You will then be able to access the schooling software "Pamplemousse" for timetables and pedagogical documents (see below).
If you are an M2 student in a partner research master's program outside of IP Paris (M2MO, or partner master's program but registration on the Paris-Saclay University or HEC side), you must notify the pedagogical secretariat managing your master's program, which will send the list of students concerned to ENSAE. You will then receive a message from the registration service ( for your "pedagogical"-"secondary" registration at ENSAE, free of charge. You will then have to complete the procedures online at You will then be able to access the schooling software "Pamplemousse" for timetables and pedagogical documents (see below).
You must send an email requesting the course, with a CV and a formal paragraph explaining your background and your request for the course, to before the end of September for S1 and the end of January for S2. The request will be studied by the Director of Masters (or the Director of Studies). You can ask to take 1 to 3 courses over the school year (exceptionally up to 6 by dispensation for doctoral students), from the 3rd year course catalog of the engineering cycle.
The applications generally accepted (provided that you specify the coherence between the application and the research path/project) are those :
- CREST doctoral students (the CV is not essential, but please specify your doctoral school of registration and your date of birth)
- PhD students from partner institutions, for example from HEC for the Master in Economics courses
- subject to capacity, 3rd year students from partner engineering schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (e.g. ENSTA students in finance for finance courses) or from other IPParis masters programs
- for Erasmus students, contact the International Relations Department (
If your application is accepted, you will receive a message from the registration service, and then you will have to complete the procedures online at You will be able to pay the registration fee of 198 € (except for IP Paris doctoral students or students in partnership programs).
Access to ENSAE and schooling
Once registered as an auditor
You will be able to consult your ENSAE mailbox remotely through
- If you are an auditor outside the master's program and you registered on the ENSAE website: your identifiers are available on the website; you must connect with your personal e-mail address used during registration; if you do not remember the password used during registration, you can click on "Forgotten password". Then retrieve the password to be used for all the ENSAE sites in the "Access" section*.
- If you are a student in a master's program at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris in partnership with ENSAE, you will receive an automatic e-mail when your administrative registration file has been validated by the IPParis Graduate School and transferred to the ENSAE IT tools; if you have not received it, you can contact the IT support department at, specifying your first and last names.
Please note that we will only use your ENSAE email address to inform you of exam dates, room changes, etc. We advise you to set up the redirection of emails to your main email address if you do not plan to consult your ENSAE email address regularly.
You will have access to the timetables and pedagogical documents via the schooling software Pamplemousse. The identifiers necessary to consult the schooling software are the same as those allowing you to access your email. They are available on the website, in the "Access" section*.
In case of problems concerning your registration to courses, you can send an e-mail to the pedagogical secretariat of your master, or for the free auditors to the coordinator of computer science teaching ( For any other IT problem contact
You will find all the information on how to get to ENSAE on the Access and Transportation page.
- If you are a student of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, you can update your badge at the terminals in the hall of the building. If you are a student of the University of Paris Saclay, you just have to go to Christophe LAGARDE's office (3081 on the 3rd floor) with your student card (it is useless to go to him as long as you don't have a card) so that it can be configured and used as your access badge to the School.
- Otherwise, you will have to use a visitor badge.
Once you have passed the exams, you will receive your marks via your pedagogical secretariat (if you are in a partner master's program), or on request from (for other free auditors).
- If you have changed your password in the meantime or if it has expired, this procedure will not work, in which case you must manually request a reset from the IT support specifying your first and last name (or ENSAE account identifier).