Presentation of ENSAE Paris

Making sense of data to evaluate, forecast and decide
ENSAE Paris is the leading engineering school in quantitative economics and sociology, statistics and machine learning, finance and actuarial science.
The strength and originality of the School lie in its unique pedagogical project, rooted in its history, which combines applied mathematics, data science, economic modeling and quantitative social sciences in a rigorous yet open-minded manner. The School has been able to evolve this project over the decades, in response to the needs of the economy and developments in research.
The key skills delivered to ENSAE Paris students are the ability to model economic and social phenomena, and to mobilize the latest statistical methods, algorithms, and computer tools to make sense of data and thus inform the decisions of companies and public institutions.
- The economist or sociologist trained at ENSAE is unique in his or her ability to use the toolbox of statistics, econometrics, and machine learning in a controlled manner, by bringing theory and data together to forecast, evaluate, and clarify the decisions of companies, banks, or the State.
- The data scientist trained at ENSAE has both an excellent command of the most advanced data science methods and a broad culture in economics, econometrics, marketing or finance, enabling him or her to analyze data from the digital society in a structured and relevant way.
- The ENSAE financial engineer or actuary knows how to mobilize mathematical modeling in finance, statistical and econometric methods and data science algorithms for finance and risk management, and has a solid economic and financial culture.
It is this combination of high-level scientific skills and a broad vision of both tools and fields of application that gives graduates of the School the reflexes and perspective necessary for relevant and efficient data processing and encourages rich career development. The proximity of the courses to research enables the school to bring innovation closer to the needs of companies and administrations.
Attached to the Ministry of the Economy and placed under the technical supervision of INSEE (for which it provides training for its administrators), ENSAE Paris awards approximately 170 engineering degrees each year. It also offers a range of advanced masters®.
The School and its research center, CREST, moved to the Paris-Saclay campus at the start of the 2017 academic year, alongside the École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. A founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), ENSAE Paris brings its recognized excellence in data science, finance and economics to this new institution, contributing to its masters and PhD offerings and research. The ambition of ENSAE Paris and CREST for the next five years, within GENES and consistent with the ambitions of IP Paris, is :
- To have their training and research recognized as references in France and in Europe in each of their fields of excellence (statistics and machine learning, quantitative social sciences, finance and actuarial sciences) and by their unique positioning at their interface.
- To affirm the relevance of their multidisciplinary project based on modeling and data to support companies and public authorities in the major transitions of the economy and society: digital transition, associated technological disruptions and their economic and societal impacts (internet platforms, blockchain, AI, etc.); sustainable development in its many dimensions: ecological transition, inequalities, the fight against poverty, aging population, health, market regulation.