ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

School's team

School's team

Services and staff

  • Director : Pierre BISCOURP
  • Executive assistant : Florence BARBIER
  • Director of graduate studies : Frédéric LOSS
  • Master studies director, deputy director of graduate studies : Viviane MOREAU
  • Teaching coordinators : Antoine HERANVAL (finance & actuarial) ; Yuanzhe Tang (microeconomics) ; Etienne DONIER-MEROZ (statistics & machine learning) ; Félix PASQUIER (econometrics & sociology) ; Lucas BAUDIN (computer science) ; Chloé SAUREL (macroeconomics) ; Lucas GIRARD (mathematics) ; Lorenzo CROISSANT (teaching assistant)
  • Professors in charge of specialization tracks : Caroline HILLAIRET (actuarial science) ; Philippe CHONÉ (Data Science and Business Decision) ; Vianney PERCHET (Data Science, Satistics and Machine Learning) ; Ivaylo PETEV and Anna SIMONI (Data Science and Social Sciences) ; Jean-Michel ZAKOIAN and Peter TANKOV (Finance, Risks and Data) ; Olivier LOISEL (Economic Policies and Dynamics)
  • Payments : Eléonore SANTOS-HUCHERY

Foreign languages and communicational skills department

  • Head of the department : Audrey MALLET
  • Assistants : Anne-Marie WOODS langues@ensae.fr

Course organization


Transcripts and certifications

  • Guillaume Hû
  • Director of research : Philippe CHONÉ
  • Doctoral school contact - economics : Alessandro RIBONI
  • Doctoral school contact - mathematics : Victor-Emmanuel BRUNEL
  • Head of general affairs and student life : Sylvie DE CLINCHAMPS
  • Assistants : Marie-Christine BAKER, Précillia NDANI vie-etudiante@ensae.fr
  • Head of corporate relations and careers : Elisabeth ANDREOLETTI-CHENG (also entrepreneurship support)
  • Assistants : Margot COULOM, Françoise MOREELS stage@ensae.fr ; Ambre DAMILLEVILLE-ANDREA corporate@ensae.fr
  • Head of the library : Sidonie RICHON biblio@ensae.fr
  • Library assistant : Franck PICHON
  • Library assistant : Khadidia COULIBALY