With more than 8,000 alumni around the world, ENSAE can rely on a solid network of alumni, whose exchanges are facilitated by the ENSAE Alumni Association.
The ENSAE Alumni Association
The ENSAE Alumni Association has existed in its current form since 1976. Its activities contribute to the reputation of the school and its diplomas, and aim above all to maintain and strengthen the links between its members, in France and internationally. Each year, the Association publishes a paper version of the alumni directory and organizes a number of conferences and meetings.
Variances, the journal of ENSAE Alumni
Since its launch in September 2016, variances.eu is a collaborative space nourished by portraits and publications of alumni and friends of the ecosystem, intended to host theoretical reflections, debates of ideas, informative watch, feedback, business applications on all major societal topics approached under the analytical and prospective views of exact, human and social sciences.
Some emblematic ENSAE careers
ENSAE's training opens the door to a wide variety of careers in the corporate world, particularly in financial institutions, in government or more broadly in public decision-making, and in the academic world.