Mathematical Foundation Jacques Hadamard

Created by five founding members - the University of Paris-Saclay, the École Polytechnique, the École Normale Supérieure de Paris Saclay, the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques and the CNRS - the Mathematical Foundation Jacques Hadamard aims to bring together mathematicians from the Paris-Saclay campus at the highest level.
The FMJH is committed to fundamental and applied mathematical research, to promote the decompartmentalization between mathematics and other disciplines, and between private and public actors.
Strongly committed to mathematical sciences, in the fields of mathematical statistics, machine learning, mathematical finance and actuarial sciences, ENSAE Paris is an associate member of the FMJH (along with ENSTA Paris, Centrale Supélec, AgroParisTech and the Universities of Evry and Versailles Saint-Quentin), with CREST as an associate laboratory.
ENSAE Paris, as an associate member of the FMJH, is associated with the actions carried out by the FMJH in terms of research programs developed on the Saclay plateau, funding of master's and doctoral students, international collaboration programs and interactions with the business world. At the same time, as an associated laboratory, CREST hosts master's students, doctoral students and researchers funded by the FMJH.