ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

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Current job opportunities

… widget","children":[{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un … le":"","id":"","class":"","style":""},"content":{"heading":"ENSAE … des écoles nationales d'économie et statistique (GENES), ENSAE Paris \r\n\t Domaine et métier : Enseignement et …
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Student associations

… Discover below an overview of some of ENSAE Paris' key student associations. To help you better … widget","children":[{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un paragraphe","iconClass":"fa …
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… Ecole Normale Supérieure access to additional training at ENSAE Paris, which leads to the award of an engineering degree from ENSAE Paris. It concerns all the departments of the ENS. \r\n\t The agreement gives ENSAE Paris students reciprocal access to complementary …
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… with a scientific option or B/L preparatory class). ENSAE Paris students are selected, during the second year, from among those who have completed a first year at ENSAE Paris. \r\nHEC Paris students can apply for the double … HEC before March 11, 2022 . They will then be invited to ENSAE Paris for an interview on the afternoon of April 14 . …
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ENSAE & Université Paris-Saclay

… University of Paris-Saclay to the engineering training of ENSAE Paris, which leads to the delivery of the engineering degree of ENSAE Paris. Reciprocally, it gives certain first-year ENSAE Paris students access to a complementary L3 mathematics …
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ENSAE & ENS Paris-Saclay

… Ecole Normale Supérieure access to additional training at ENSAE Paris, which leads to the award of an engineering degree from ENSAE Paris. It concerns all the departments of the ENS. \r\n\t The agreement gives ENSAE Paris students reciprocal access to complementary …
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Free auditors

… which will transmit the list of concerned students to ENSAE. ENSAE will then make your \"pedagogical\"-\"secondary\" registration at ENSAE within a few days, free of charge, for the requested …
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… Ecole Normale Supérieure access to additional training at ENSAE Paris, leading to the award of an engineering degree from ENSAE Paris. It concerns more specifically the departments of … sciences of the ENS de Lyon. \r\n\t The agreement gives ENSAE Paris students reciprocal access to additional training …
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… ESSEC students at ENSAE \r\n\r\n ESSEC students, admitted through a competitive … course in mathematics for the double degree with ENSAE; it is essential to obtain good results in mathematics in order to be admitted to ENSAE . \r\n\t The student completes his or her second year …
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Bini Yao Régis Koffi, 2nd year engineering student

… y voir plus clair dans l’offre de formation proposée par l’ENSAE Paris, les élèves partagent leur expérience.  Pourquoi, à l'époque, avoir choisi d’intégrer l’ENSAE Paris ? En rentrant à l’ENSEA d’Abidjan, j’ai eu l’information par le …
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Aharon Elbez, 2nd year engineering student

… To help you see more clearly the training offer proposed by ENSAE Paris, students share their experience.  1. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO ENROLL AT ENSAE PARIS? Initially, I wanted to go to a business school to work in the world of finance. I applied to ENSAE Paris because my mathematics teacher in the preparatory …
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ENSAE & other engineering schools

… These programs allow ENSAE to welcome highly motivated students who have obtained … science, finance or actuarial science; they also allow ENSAE students to specialize at the partner school (in … of the two schools (Teaching and Research Committee for ENSAE). The number of admissions is limited and only students …
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