Nicolas PRAT, double degree at ENSAE after École polytechnique

Why did you decide to join ENSAE Paris?
Personally, ENSAE Paris seemed like the most logical path to continue my studies. After a preparatory class in the MP track with a focus on computer science, I discovered economics at École Polytechnique and became passionate about this discipline, which offers a fascinating lens for understanding the world. To my knowledge, ENSAE Paris is the only engineering school specializing in economic and social sciences, while also being highly focused on and renowned for data science.
What do you see as the key advantages of ENSAE Paris?
ENSAE opens doors to various institutions, both national and international. For example, ENSAE serves as the training school for Administrators of INSEE, a prestigious body of civil servants within the Ministry of Economy and Finance. This body can be joined through an external competitive exam, even during one’s studies at ENSAE. Graduates are also highly sought after by institutions such as the OECD, the ECB, and the French Treasury Directorate, among others.
Another unique aspect of ENSAE is the dual expertise it provides. It transforms us into engineer-economists, economist-statisticians, and beyond, with the opportunity to specialize in fields like finance or sociology!
What benefits have you gained from ENSAE Paris’s double-degree partnerships?
The numerous joint programs, such as the Master in Economics from IP Paris, broaden the possibilities to tailor your own educational journey. Moreover, having CREST (the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics, a CNRS-X-ENSAE laboratory) on the fourth floor of the school offers privileged access to the research world and renowned researchers.
Who would you recommend ENSAE Paris to?
I believe that a curriculum at ENSAE Paris is well-suited for anyone interested in a quantitative, scientific, and rigorous approach to economics. It is also ideal for those passionate about data science and applied mathematics, who want to complement their technical expertise with valuable economic knowledge.
Can you share your tips with future applicants to ENSAE Paris?
Beyond the cliché of “believe in your dreams,” you might sometimes think that getting into ENSAE Paris is too ambitious a goal. You may doubt your abilities, feel that it’s out of reach, feel uncertain, or think it’s not worth trying.
If that’s the case, adopt the mindset of “giving it a shot just to see.” You might fail, but that only means you tried and have no regrets. And if you succeed, you’ll experience the joy of not missing this opportunity. In other words: what do you have to lose?
What moments stand out to you from your time at ENSAE Paris?
t’s not a specific moment, but rather a gradual realization that, over time, you develop the ability to read, understand, and even critique a recent research article. It’s a satisfying feeling that reflects the added value of the education you’ve received. I also recommend attending CREST research seminars. Over time, you understand more and learn a lot about various topics.
A few words to conclude
ENSAE Paris may struggle with its reputation among scientific tracks due to the perception of economics as a non-science. Elsewhere, I don’t know, but at ENSAE, economics is very much a science. I encourage those who are hesitant to browse the course catalog, read the descriptions, and even check out the bibliographic references.