ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat


With more than 8,000 alumni around the world, ENSAE can rely on a solid network of alumni, whose exchanges are facilitated by the ENSAE Alumni Association. 

The ENSAE Alumni Association 

The ENSAE Alumni Association has existed in its current form since 1976. Its activities contribute to the reputation of the school and its diplomas, and aim above all to maintain and strengthen the links between its members, in France and internationally. Each year, the Association publishes a paper version of the alumni directory and organizes a number of conferences and meetings.


Variances, the journal of ENSAE Alumni

Since its launch in September 2016, variances.eu is a collaborative space nourished by portraits and publications of alumni and friends of the ecosystem, intended to host theoretical reflections, debates of ideas, informative watch, feedback, business applications on all major societal topics approached under the analytical and prospective views of exact, human and social sciences.


Some emblematic ENSAE careers

ENSAE's training opens the door to a wide variety of careers in the corporate world, particularly in financial institutions, in government or more broadly in public decision-making, and in the academic world.



International mobility: The ENSAE ENSAI Foundation launches its scholarship program

The international mobility of engineering students is becoming increasingly important in the courses offered by Genes schools. This development is based on the strategic lines of its Contract of Objectives and Performance and on the rules established by...
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Alumni: Graduates of the Engineering Cycle, answer the CGE insertion survey !

The Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) conducts an annual survey on the professional integration of young graduates of its member schools. ENSAE Paris is inviting its graduates of the Engineering Cycle of the classes of 2019, 2020 and 2021 to participate...
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ENSAE Paris: in the Top of the best engineering schools in France in the Challenges 2023 ranking

ENSAE Paris is among the 12 best post-prep engineering schools according to Challenges, which unveiled the 2023 rating of diplomas in its special issue of December 8, 2022. Among the top 12 are two other schools from the Paris Polytechnic Institute: École...
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Hi! PARIS event 29/11 5pm : seminar by Chris Bail

We are delighted to welcome Chris Bail for an exceptional seminar organized by Hi! PARIS Center, entitled “Creating a New Paradigm for Research on Social Media”.
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Trium Forum returns in 2022 in a hybrid format

The Trium Forum 2022 edition will be held on Wednesday, October 19 at the Parc Floral de Vincennes. It will be followed by two days of distance learning on Wednesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 27 on the Seekube platform.
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Best Actuarial Thesis Award - Class of 2021

ENSAE Paris has joined forces with ENSAE Alumni to reward two students of the actuarial track class of 2021. This prize is intended to promote the excellence of the work done in actuarial science by ENSAE Paris students as part of their actuary thesis. The Jury has decided to select original works combining both a high scientific rigor and a strong potential of future applications for the whole actuarial community and companies of the insurance sector.
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Roundtable with John List (U Chicago) on Public Policy Evaluation

John List, Professor at the University of Chicago, will come to our campus to present his latest book “The Voltage Effect: How to Make Good Ideas Great and Great Ideas Scale”. The IPP and CREST are pleased to welcome him on campus. A round table on “Public Policy Evaluations: What future for economic expertise?” will follow the presentation.
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IP Paris wins the "ExcellenceS" call for projects

Institut Polytechnique de Paris with its STeP2 project is the winner of the second wave of the call for projects "ExcellenceS in all its forms" launched by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The €800 million "ExcellenceS" call for...
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Alumni - Roland Lescure, appointed Minister Delegate for Industry

Roland Lescure (ENSAE 1992) was appointed on July 4 th, 2022 as Minister Delegate in charge of Industry to Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. A graduate of the École Polytechnique and ENSAE Paris, Roland...
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