ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Crossed paths of 3 ENSAE Alumni startup women

21 Oct. 2022
Three women, three start-up women, three ENSAE Alumni and they each share their experience of entrepreneurship with you. Discover on YouTube these inspiring profiles through the series of portraits made by ENSAE Alumni.
Crossed paths of 3 ENSAE Alumni startup women

Hélène Mérillon

  • ENSAE Alumni 1993
  • former CEO and founder of YOUBOOX
  • CEO of NEXTORY France

Marie David

  • ENSAE Alumni 2001
  • Co-founder of CARBOMETRIX

Sarah Martineau

  • ENSAE Alumni 2011
  • CEO and Co-founder of IDETA