ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat



Financing your mobility at ENSAE Paris

To finance their mobility to France, international students may be eligible for scholarships for excellence, scholarships based on social criteria or scholarships from their home institution or government. Students from our European partners are eligible for Erasmus+ scholarships from their home institutions and should contact their international relations department for information.
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Coming as part of an academic exchange

Each year, ENSAE Paris welcomes students from its international partners for academic stays of one or two semesters in the framework of exchange agreements.
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Coming as part of a double-degree

ENSAE Paris has set up double-degree agreements with strategic academic partners that allow international students to enroll in degree programs according to the terms and conditions defined in each agreement (quotas, selection procedure, level of study, admission level, tuition fees, scholarship possibilities, etc.).
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International admissions

Diversity of origin is a strong value of the School. Each year, ENSAE Paris selects and recruits outstanding students from all over the world who have a strong background in mathematics, quantitative economics or quantitative finance.
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Come and study at ENSAE Paris

Every year, ENSAE Paris welcomes international students from the best international academic programs, either through double-degree partnerships (notably with the network of African Schools of Statistics) or through international recruitment programs such as the IP Paris international recruitment program. ENSAE Paris also welcomes international students for academic semesters through exchange programs, mainly through the Erasmus+ mobility program.
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Financing your international mobility

On this page you will find the different ways to finance your international mobility.
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Doing an internship abroad

Throughout their training, students have the opportunity to do internships abroad, in companies or laboratories, in public or private institutions of international reputation and scope.
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International Mobility

Engineering students at ENSAE Paris are required to undertake international mobility as part of their curriculum, either through an internship or as part of an academic mobility (leading to a degree or not). The International Relations Department and the School's Academic Department advise and support all students in their mobility projects.
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Bienvenue en France Label

ENSAE Paris has been awarded the three-star "Welcome to France" label by Campus France. This distinction recognizes the quality of the welcome policy offered to international students and the internationalization strategy of ENSAE Paris.
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The international policy of ENSAE Paris integrates two key challenges that lead to the encouragement of mobility on a European scale: to contribute to the construction of Europe through the mobility of students, teachers and staff, and to develop students' international exposure while limiting the mobility carbon footprint.
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International Partnerships

ENSAE Paris, a European school open to the world.
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