ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Search results for en crest center for research in economics statistics

20 results

Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST)

CREST 's common culture is characterized by a strong … distinct character, namely as an international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to … research networks","text":{"value":" The LabEx EcoDec is a … … The Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) is a …
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Current job opportunities

… widget","children":[{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un … située à Rennes. \r\n• Une unité mixte de recherche, le CREST (centre de recherche en économie et statistique) portée … associations étudiantes \r\n \r\n\r\n Animation du career center \r\n\r\n \r\n\t Participer à la veille et à …
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New research professors to join ENSAE-CREST

… and statistics who will soon be joining ENSAE and CREST (in alphabetical order). Suzanne Bellue will join the … (SSE), based at Misum, a multidisciplinary research center on sustainability. She is also affiliated with SSE’s … early-stage angle, she studies the determinants of support for green policies, in particular the role of social norms …
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Research policy

… of ENSAE Paris is based on the influence of its Center for Research in Economics and Statistics, the CREST (a joint research unit with the CNRS and the École …
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… Department welcomes and supervises doctoral students at CREST, as part of the IP Paris doctoral school, co-accredited … Research School and the \"Hi! Paris\" interdisciplinary center for artificial intelligence and data science, jointly … null,"children":[]},{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un …
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… department also welcomes CNRS researchers assigned to CREST and affiliated researchers. It supervises doctoral … Finance and Management\" and the interdisciplinary center \"Hi! Paris\" in artificial intelligence and data … null,"children":[]},{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un …
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History and identity

… and social applications. \r\n\r\n In 1942, a School for the Application of the National Statistics Service was … of literary and scientific cultures. In 1962, a training center for economists and statisticians from developing … The Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) was created in 1980 within ENSAE.  \r\n\r\n Until the …
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International Women's Day 2024

… The theme for 2024: \"Investing in Women: Accelerating the Pace\" … null,"children":[]},{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un … CREST is committed to gender equality … Meanwhile, CREST (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics), …
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Careers perspectives

… Why choose ENSAE ? \r\n\r\n \r\n\t You have a taste for Maths and Computer science and you want to apply them to … continuation to our  PhD programs , within our research center CREST or another IP Paris lab. \r\n …
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Roland Rathelot, ENSAE-CREST research professor, awarded with ERC Consolidator Grant!

… the  Institut Polytechnique de Paris , researcher at the  Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST, a joint research unit of CNRS, ENSAE Paris - Institut …
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An outstanding faculty

… with the doctoral students who are monitors of ENSAE-CREST and temporary teachers, the supervised work in small … null,"children":[]},{"id":"heading","type":"widget","name":"En-tête","description":"En-tête d'un … recognition is based on the influence of its research center, CREST, a joint research unit that brings together …
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Felix TROPF (research professor CREST-ENSAE), awarded with ERC Starting Grants

… Congratulations to  Felix Tropf , assistant professor at Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST,  a joint research unit of CNRS, ENSAE Paris - Institut …
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