Thaïs Masseï (Class of 2022), winner of the Bloc-notes Éco blog's 2023 Competition

In partnership with Pour l'Éco, the Banque de France organized the 5th edition of the Bloc-notes Éco competition, a blog publishing educational articles presenting the research, studies and economic expertise of the Banque de France. For the 2023 edition, 80 students answered the call and submitted their analysis on the theme "The effects of inflation on households and businesses", a record number of entries for this competition! The 61 entries were judged on the basis of four equally weighted criteria: originality, economic rationale, pedagogy and quality of writing.
Congratulations to Thaïs Masseï (engineering graduate of the ENSAE Paris Class of 2022, majoring in Economic Policies and Dynamics, and a student at Science Po) and author of the entry « Inflation mesurée vs subie : l’inégal partage du fardeau » (Measured vs subie inflation: the unequal sharing of the burden), which was awarded 1st prize by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Deputy Governor of the Banque de France.
Overall, inflation means higher production costs for companies and lower purchasing power for households. However, the inflation actually experienced by economic agents can, depending on their characteristics, differ from a so-called "measured" average inflation, communicated in particular via the consumer price index (CPI). This is why a disaggregated approach is needed to accurately analyze these effects. In view of this, economic policies to support households and businesses need to be targeted to offset the uneven effects of inflation.
Congratulations also to Pedram Pourabbasvafa (PhD student at Université Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne), who won 2nd prize for his paper « Impact de l’inflation sur les entreprises vertes et brunes et effet sur la transition verte ».

The Bloc-notes Éco Competition includes
- Selection by a jury of experts
- Increased visibility through publication of their contribution on the Bloc-notes Éco blog
- A prize: €3,000 for the winner, €1,500 for the 2nd place!
Photo credits: Banque de France