ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Economic policy seminar


Each seminar session is devoted to a debate on economic policy. A practitioner from the economic administration or a university staff member will take part to illustrate the debate. The presentation will include factual and institutional elements, but will consist primarily of a summary of what economic and econometric analysis can contribute to the subject under discussion. The seminar course thus completes the Ecole's economic and econometric theory teaching, bringing out the ways in which the theory can be used to produce public policy recommendations.

In addition, each session begins with a short presentation by a group of students on a subject related to the day's topic. This presentation may lead to a discussion with the lecturer and the other students. The students also submit a report of a few pages summarising their presentation, and the seminar course is assessed on the basis of the presentation and the written report. As with all the Ecole's seminar courses, attendance at all the sessions is mandatory.



For your information, the programme for 2010/2011 is as follows:

  • Dettes publiques dans la zone euro et institutions européennes, Patrick Artus (directeur de la recherche de Natixis)
  • La PAC, Jean-Christophe Bureau (CEPII et AgroParisTech)
  • Photographie du système socio-fiscal et de sa progressivité, Guy Lalanne (Direction Générale du Trésor et CREST)
  • Les héritages, Luc Arrondel (CNRS et PSE)
  • Pour un nouveau système de retraite ? Antoine Bozio (Institute for Fiscal Studies, Londres)
  • La régulation financière, Gunther Capelle-Blancard (CEPII et Université Paris 1)
  • Vieillissement, finances publiques et immigration, Lionel Ragot (CEPII et Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne)
  • Le RSA, Magda Tomasini (INSEE)
  • Les politiques publiques du logement, Anne Laferrère (INSEE et CREST)
  • La croissance des dépenses de santé, Brigitte Dormont (Université Paris Dauphine, Chaire santé - Fondation du Risque)


Benassy-Quéré, A., B. Coeuré, P. Jacquet, et J. Pisani-Ferry (2004), Politique Economique, De Boeck.