ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Financial regulation


The objective of this course is to initiate a global reflection on market finance by bringing a complementary light to the technical vision of a master 2 in financial mathematics. It aims to give an overview (in a few sessions) of the role that finance plays in the global economy and especially of the stakes and modalities of its regulation. We will thus address the role that financial actors play in the global economy and will attempt to provide food for thought to answer the following questions: which entities are currently covered by regulation? How are these regulations constructed and put into practice and how do public authorities ensure that they are respected? Is it effective, counter-productive, does it prevent or mitigate crises? What are these developments since the 2008 financial crisis and what can be expected in the coming years? The courses will consist of different lectures led by specialists in each of the topics and structured around a single theme: financial regulation. Each speaker will talk about a part of the financial system, its potential abuses and will present current and future regulations.

This course takes place at ENSTA. More information on https://synapses.ensta-paris.fr/catalogue/2020-2021/ue/838/FQ306-regulation-financiere