ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat



I am an economic sociologist who uses social network analysis to shed new light on the contemporary transformations of markets and organizations. My current research focuses on the digital platform economy, the global production networks of the artificial intelligence industry, the role of human labor in the development of automation, digital inequalities, and the spread of disinformation via social networks. I am also interested in the ethics of data and artificial intelligence. I teach courses in network science, data ethics and responsible science, and research design.



Ethique des données

Heures de cours : 6

Crédits ECTS : 0.5


Ethics and responsibility in data science

Heures de cours : 12

Crédits ECTS : 2


Science des réseaux sociaux et économiques

Heures de cours : 24

Crédits ECTS : 4