ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Starting day - Third year, MiE and SFA Students

02 Oct. 2022
Starting day - Third year, MiE and SFA Students

The starting day for the ingeneering cycle 3rd year, and second year of Master in Economics will be on Monday 2 October 2023:

  • MiE and SFA students  are expected at 9:15 am in the ENSAE hall.
  • Ingeneering cycle 3rd year students are expected at 1:15 pm in the ENSAE hall. This day is optional for 3rd year students from the integrated program who attended the first day of classes on August 28th.

This day is preceded by a hybrid presentation of the tracks and specialization courses, details and the Teams link will be sent to you by email at the end of August.