ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

Admission through GEI-UNIV: Eligibility results are available

10 May. 2023
ENSAE Paris opens 15 places to L3 students with L3 for entry into the engineering program via the GEI-UNIV shared university recruitment program. After studying the academic results and the results of the written tests, the jury drew up a list of eligible candidates who will be invited to take the oral tests.
Admission through GEI-UNIV: Eligibility results are available

Eligibility results have been published since May 10, 2023 on the website www.geiuniv.com. Congratulations to all the GEI-UNIV candidates!

To prepare for the orals and find out more about our engineering school, visit the GEI-UNIV candidate portal (in French).


For all information requests, please specify your field of study.

  • Karine PAIN, admissions manager
  • Henri DE TRICORNOT, contact student for GEI-UNIV eligible students currently in the 2nd year of the engineering cycle


On our dedicated page, you will find testimonials at your disposal.